Golubev, Vladimir S. – Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical and Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Institute of Systems Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: v.s.golubev@bk.ru
Author: admin
Authors, Bushuev V. V.
Bushuev, V. V.
Bushuev, Vitaly V. – Dr. Sci (Tech.), Professor, Director General of the Institute of Energy Strategy (IES), Moscow, Russia. E-mail: ies2@umail.ru
Authors, Dolshenko O. V.
Dolshenko, O. V.
Dolshenko, Oleg V. – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, State University Eletski, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: odolshenko@mail.ru
Authors, Kostina A. V.
Kostina, A. V.
Kostina, Anna V. – dean of faculty of culture and art, department chair of philosophy, cultural science and political science of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization VPO Moskovsky gumanitarny universitet, Doctor of Philosophy, doctor of cultural science, professor, academician of the International academy of Sciences (IAS), Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization VPO Moskovsky gumanitarny universitet, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Anna_Kostina@inbox.ru
Authors, Ivanova Z. I.
Ivanova, Z. I.
Ivanova, Zinaida I. – candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of social, psychological and legal communications, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: ivanovazi@mail.ru