Markov, Viktor I. – Doctor of Cultural Studies, Ph.D., assistant professor of cultural studies Kemerovo state University of culture and arts, Russia.
Category: Authors
Authors, Nemychenkov V. I.
Nemychenkov, V. I.
Nemychenkov, Vladimir I. – “St. Andrew The First-Called Foundation”, chief expert, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
Authors, Pavlov A. N.
Pavlov, A. N.
Pavlov, Alexey N. – Ph.D., Professor, Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Institute of Public Administration and Management Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
Authors, Posashkov S. A.
Posashkov, S. A.
Posashkov, Sergey A. – PhD (Physics and Mathematics), associate professor, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies of the Financial University of Russian Government, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
Authors, Rastorgouev V. N.
Rastorgouev, V. N.
Rastorgouev, Valery N. – Dr. of Philosophy, Professor, Head. Department of Theoretical Political Science, Moscow State University, deputy editor of the magazine «Tribune Russian Thought», Moscow, Russia. E-mail: