The article poses the problem of the development of education not as a department, but as a special sphere, as a human institution, in which the task of developing a person, his basic personal qualities and professional abilities is put in the first place. The situation is analyzed through this prism in mass secondary and…
Tag: higher education
Articles, Butsyk S. V.
Symbols, traditions and mission of the russian institute of culture and arts: from insufficient assessment of significance to evaluation of influence on students
The growing struggle of Russian universities for the best students and teachers, for resources and partnerships with large companies significantly actualizes issues related to the positioning of educational organizations, the construction of their identity, their uniqueness. However, this task in Russia is often posed far from the highest level of university management, which leads to…
Articles, Butsyk S. V.
From institutes of culture to institutes of culture: historical and pedagogical analysis
This article analyzes the changes that have taken place in Russian institutes of culture in more than half a century since its inception. There are three historical periods in the development of institutions of this type: 1) create a network of institutes of culture throughout the country (1964-1989). 2) mass renaming of institutes of culture…